Full track load

A detailed distinction of types of transport makes it easier to move around the transportation and logistics industry.

One of them is a full track load, which we accomplish both in the country and abroad.
What is its character?

And why is it one of the most willingly chosen solutions?
What characterizes the full track load?

In the international terminology, apart from the term “full track load”, we can very often come across the abbreviation FTL, which is taken from this very phrase. It is nothing else than a transport of cargo or group of goods in whole, directly from the place of loading to the collection place. Hence, there is one specific recipient – which differs FTL from e.g. LTL (less than track load).

This kind of transport can be interpreted in two ways. We can use either whole space of the vehicle, or its maximum load.

In other words we transport goods which need to be carried in whole, they have bigger space requirements or goods of a larger weight.

It should be noted that FTL is conditioned by certain standards. The total weight and dimensions of a cargo shouldn’t exceed acceptable standards in a particular country.

If it comes to Poland, the standards read as follows:
– weight: 24t
– length: 15-16m
– width: 3,5-4,0m
– height: 3,0-3,5m

Why FTL is a good solution?
This type of transport is a very convenient solution for customers who want to keep a direct delivery channel and to use whole loading potential of the vehicle (it works both in case of palletised shipments and non-palletised ones).

Moreover, FTL does not require transshipments, which means a significant saving of time. In this way we can also manage more freely as well as fully control delivery times. It is also a solution for the seekers of a transport offer tailored to individual needs – whole loading space is given only to one customer, which improves comfort of transport and its safety.


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