Transport – Switzerland

To many conveying companies Switzerland is a transit country, that is why it has a well-developed road network. Due to the fact that Switzerland is not a member country of EU and EEA, shipping is performed according to slightly different rules than in the rest of European countries. We mean here mainly an obligation to clear customs before entering the Federation,as well as legal issues connected with e.g. vehicles tonnage. We have been providing transport services for years, thus we are perfectly oriented Switzerland transport specificity. We care about everything personally, thoroughly and with a good knowledge of legal norms.

It is not true that Switzerland is closed to other European markets. It fluently exchanges goods with other countries – also with Poland. It is quite easy thanks to not far distance between the countries. We convey construction and gardening materials to and from Switzerland, as well as different kinds of machines and parts, also industrial materials. Decoration elements and interior design items are of a big interest of west European market, including furniture made in Poland (mainly due to low prices). Switerland-Poland transport is mainly focused on instruments and apparatus, also chemical industry products. Similarly pharmaceutical products, but also watches and jewellery.

With due scrupulocity we care about undisturbed transport from Poland to Switzerland and from Switzerland to Poland . At the same time we act according to applicable customs regulations and taking into consideration Swiss market. We provide comprehensive transport services: we prepare documents, we oversee check-ins, we organise conveying and we provide goods always to indicated location – at little cost, quickly and safely.

About the country

Switzerland is a Federation in the mountainous part of western Europe, without access to the sea; it is one of the Alpean countries. It has orders with Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Lichtenstein. It is divided into 26 cantons – territorial administrative units. Most populated and most industrious cantons are these in Swiss Highland. In Alpean region there live less people, the region is strongly developed turistically, though. The biggest cities are: Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne and Bern.

Switzerland is not a member either of EU or of EEA. Therefore there is a necessity of clearing customs while conveying loads from Poland. Despite this there is a special two-sided agreement between Switzerland and European Union, which make it possible to exchange goods. Switzerland is a country highly developed economically, one of the richest in the world. It is called the financial centre of the world due to the trust for its banking system. The Switzerland’s economy is focused on mining (although deposits of low materials are quite small), electromachines and grocery industry, but also agriculture and tourism.


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