We organize a professional transport on the area of majority of European countries, including South-West, East and Middle-East, North, as well as Alpean countries. We invite you to get to know the thorough list of our working area.:
South Europe
- Albania
- Andorra
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Montenegro
- Greece
- Spain
- Macedonia
- Malta
- Monako
- Portugal
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Vatican
- Italy
North Europe
- Denmark
- Finland
- Iceland
- Norwey
- Sweden
Middle-East Europe
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Hungary
East Europe
- Belarus
- Estonia
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Moldova
- Russia
- Ukraine
West Europe
- Belgium
- France
- Netherlands
- Ireland
- Luxembourg
- Germany
- Great Britain
Alpean countries
- Austria
- Liechtenstein
- Switzerland
As a transport company we provide our services since 2004. Hiring high-qualified drivers and speditors helps us to support our customers comprehensively in an international transport in the majority of European countries. Vast choice of vehicles makes it possible for us to convey actually all kinds of cargo.
We offer domestic and international transport of goods, pallets and machines. We guarantee safe conveying cargo on pallets, as well as oversized cargo. Fuel, machines, fresh and frozen groceries, construction materials? We transport almost everything!
As it befits a spedition company, we deal comprehensively with transport: we arrange check-ins, declarations, all documentation needed in international transport. Thanks to this, ordering an international transport in our company, you can sleep peacefully!
Our offer includes among others transport of:
- load on pallets,
- agricultural, construction machines, etc.
- load on timber semi-trailers,
- full track.
Each of our shipments has insurance and is monitored. We have a live-supervision on each vehicle and we can always describe where it is now. It lets us deliver goods on time. Thanks to modern equipment we offer also loading and unloading of goods entrusted to us.
Each order we treat individually, hence we fulfill custom, often extraordinary, wishes. We invite you to cooperation!
Machines transport
We are experts in machine transport, offering it Europe area, as well as safe movement and adjustment of devices. We have not only necessary vehicles, which enable us to realize most expanded and complicated orders, but also we have modern winches, tracks, jacks and other professional devices and tools, thanks to which we realize orders comprehensively and ably. They also enable as to transport machines and devices vertically and horizontally.
We provide you professional:
- loading and unloading,
- transporting devices indoor and outdoor,
- hipping and many more.
We transport among others:
- excavators,
- loaders,
- rollers,
- other construction devices,
- milling machines,
- lathes,
- vulcanization machines,
- joinery machines,
- agricultural machines.
Nasze atuty
Nasze zalety:
- wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży spedycyjnej,
- terminowość,
- nowoczesny sprzęt (dysponujemy ciągnikami siodłowymi ze specjalistycznymi naczepami niskopodwoziowymi),
- systemy monitorujące obecne położenie samochodu z towarem,
- niezbędne zezwolenia oraz licencje na przewóz zarówno krajowy, jak i międzynarodowy,
- pracownicy o bardzo wysokich kwalifikacjach zawodowych,
- optymalizacja kosztów,
- pełne wsparcie dla klienta,
- indywidualne traktowanie każdego klienta i zlecenia.